just an example...
or two...
or three, why not...
pokok-hujan adalah ruang legar idea dan rasa. ia spontan, tanpa agenda dan protokol. semua dielu -elukan di sini - muslim, kristian, yahudi, majusi, buddhis, hindu maupun pagan. pokok-hujan juga adalah intipati manusiawi - mengumpul makna dan benda daripada interaksi dengan diri dan alam - dalam perjalanan panjang menuju kesempurnaan, atau tuhan, bagi mereka yang percaya.
agak2 kalau nak order tu boleh ke???
brp harga ek???
was wondering where have you been.
are sure it was never ever a little bit because of spain?
hahaha tuan hr, but the tuna sandwich did tasted a little bit too salty than usual, though.
masih di peringkat eksperimentasi tuan anon, jadi kalau berminat harap tuan bersabar sikit.
tentang harga tu, barangkali ia akan bergantung kepada bahan-bahan yang digunakan, kompleksiti corak dan saiz. saya masih kurang pasti tentang itu.
walau bagaimanapun, terima kasih atas minat tuan.
Pencuri Kota Baghdad
In many older and established cultures and civilisations of the world - the older ones (especially males) get to be more creative (especially handiwork).
Its the sign of age .., and maybe due to things you do before you get old.
As for thieves like yours truly, we aged full of grace and redemption.
By that we don't mean making cute paper lamps - we just passed on our aged old skills to the next generation of thieves.
aaahhhh tuan pkb, i remember so well that the art of sword playing was perfected by its masters in ancient china through the art of calligraphy.
was it not you who highlighted the film depicting those facts to me?
oh, how the wisdom of old was not understood by the current, materialistic and commercialised people.
and oh, how you have forgotten about it.
and becoming old and sane is an achievement in itself. it is a long awaited station of being and unbeing.
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