Thursday, July 23, 2009

O brother, the world remains with no one (1)

O brother, the world remains with no one.
Bind the heart to the Creator, it is enough.
Rely not upon possessions and this world
Because it has cherished many like thee and slain
When the pure soul is about to depart,
What boots it if one dies on a throne or on the

* * * * *

Wahai teman, dunia tidak kekal bersama sesiapapun.
Ikatkan hati tuan pada Sang Pencipta, itu sudah cukup.
Jangan berharap pada harta benda dan dunia ini
Ia telah memuliakan ramai seperti tuan,
lalu mencampakkan mereka.
Bila jiwa tulus mahu berlepas pergi,
Apa peduli jika ia mati di atas singgahsana
atau di atas tanah?

(1) The Rose Garden of Sa’di or The Gulistan, based on the original translation by Edward Rehatsek, Omphaloskepsis, Ames, pg., 27.

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