Friday, July 31, 2009

What I feel in my heart, what I do for you (1)

My love for you will surely be loyal;
This marriage of fancy must become real.
What I feel in my heart, what I do for you,
Isn't bad, but it could be better still.

I made a journey through the desert of your love
Searching for some hint that you might join me.
I saw in every home I passed along the way
The corpses scattered of those who went before me.

The moment you find a companion in joy
Is the moment you find your life's own fate.
Beware that you don't waste that moment in vain:
You will find very few such moments again.

* * * * * * *

Kasih saya pada tuan penuh setia,
Pernikahan impian ini mesti jadi nyata;
Apa saya rasa dalam hati, apa saya buat untuk tuan,
Tidaklah kurang, tapi ia boleh jadi lebih baik.

Saya kembara di sahara kasih tuan,
Mencari-cari tanda tuan akan sertai saya;
Saya lihat di setiap rumah sepanjang jalan,
Mayat mereka yang kembara sebelum saya bergelimpangan.

Saat tuan temui teman gembira,
Adalah saat tuan temui takdir hidup;
Awas! Jangan bazirkan saat itu begitu sahaja,
Jarang akan tuan temui saat itu sekali lagi.

(1) #671, 1854 dan 1849; Divan-i Shams-i Tabriz; Jalaluddin Rumi, diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggeris oleh Zara Houshmand; Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1988.


anumsuhayla said...

but which companion more precious,
in sorrow or joy?

the green heart said...

i prefer the English translation..

syed putra ahmad said...

yup lazy wanderer, that's pretty obvious, esp for this entry - the biggest issue in double translation, i.e., translating upon a translation. in this case, from persian to english to malay.

tough act, though more effort and time will surely make it better.
