Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Sleep of the body the soul’s awakening (1)

Every night Thou freest our spirits from the body
And its snare, making them pure as rased tablets.
Every night spirits are released from this cage,
And set free, neither lording it nor lorded over.
At night prisoners are unaware of their prison,
At night kings are unaware of their majesty.
Then there is no thought or care for loss or gain,
No regard to such an one or such an one.
The state of the ‘Knower’ is such is this, even when awake.
God says, ‘thou wouldst deem him awake though asleep’ (2),
Sleeping to the affairs of the world, day and night,
Like a pen in the directing hand of the writer.
He who sees not the hand which effects the writing,
Fancies the effect proceeds from the motion of the pen.
If the ‘Knower’ revealed the particular of this state,
Twould rob the vulgar of their sensual sleep.
His soul wanders in the desert that has no similtude;
Like this body, his spirit is enjoying perfect rest;
Freed from desire of eating and drinking,
Like a bird escaped from cage and snare,
But when he is again beguild into the snare,
He cries for help to the Almighty.

* * *

tidur jasad tersedar roh

setiap malam tuan lepaskan roh kami daripada jasad
dan cengkamannya, lalu jadikan ia murni bak batu tulis yang disapu.
setiap malam, roh dilepaskan dari sangkar ini,
dan dibebaskan, tidak memerintah ia atau diperintah.
pada malam hari, banduan hilang sedar tentang penjara mereka,
pada malam hari, raja-raja hilang sedar tentang takhta mereka.
juga tiada terfikir atau peduli tentang rugi atau untung,
tiada menghitung tentang siapa itu atau siapa ini.
hakikat si tahu adalah begini, hatta sewaktu jaganya
tuhan berkata, “dan kamu menyangka mereka jaga, sedangkan mereka tidur”, (2)
tidur daripada hal-ehwal duniawi, siang dan malam,
seperti pena di tangan menulis si penulis.
dia yang tidak melihat tangan yang menghasilkan tulisan
percaya kesannya terhasil daripada pergerakan pena.
jika si tahu dedahkan perihal hakikat ini,
akan terampas ghairah mimpi asyik mereka.
roh mereka kembara ke sahara tanpa mithal;
seperti jasad, roh mereka menghirup istirehat seluruh;
lepas daripada keinginan makan dan minum,
seperti burung yang terlepas dari sangkar dan jerat.
tapi bila dia lagi sekali terpedaya ke perangkap itu,
dia lalu merayui pertolongan ilahi.

(1) Masnawi, op.cit., Book I, pgs., 17-18
(2) Kisah Ashabul-Kahfi, al-Qur’an: 18:17.

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